How to Write Scripts for Educational Videos and Lead Generation

How to Write Scripts for Educational Videos

Educational Videos Can Help You and Your Organisation to Be Seen As The Expert In the Industry.

Educational Videos combined with a strong Social Media Strategy can result in one of the most powerful Lead Generation engines for your business, working for you as you sleep.

One of the biggest mistakes that organisations make is to produce promotional videos to increase lead generation, when in reality potential clients don’t really care about our promotional videos until they need our services and they know that we are the expert that they are looking for.

Ongoing valuable educational videos will portray you or your organisation as the experts in your industry. You need at least 1 well produced educational video a week, which combined with all the additional educational content you share will increase your online presence and showcase “WHY” you are the EXPERT in the industry.

To work, the content of your educational videos should be structured in a certain way, to ensure that you really connect with your audience, give value and generate the desire to learn more: about the subject, about you and about your business.

In the video above I share some key insights on how you should write your scripts for your educational videos.

If you want to find out more email me or visit our website. You can book a free 30 minute consultation or attend our workshop on Video Strategy.


How to write a script for a educational video:

Your script should be written in very simple words, avoiding any jargon and clichés commonly used in sales pitches.

Write a script no longer than 150 words, this will produce a video of approximately 90 seconds.

Clients buy benefits not features. So, avoid describing all the features of your product or service and focus on its benefits. Clients don’t care about you, what you offer and the features of your product or service until they know the benefits.

Remember people buy from people, not from businesses. So another key message is to share your “Why”. Why you love what you do and why you’re passionate about it.

Structure your writing to answer the following questions in the following order. The order of this content is key:

First, what problems do your product or service solve? Think about your client’s problem not what your product does.

Second, why do you like helping clients solve this problem? – This is your motivation and purpose for doing what you do. Avoid clichés.

Thirdly, what do you do differently to help clients solve their problem? This is your point of difference.

Next, how do you solve the problem? These are the services you offer.

And finally, what are the benefits this brings to your clients.

Online Video Strategy Workshop

The online Video Strategy Workshop is a condensed version of the face to face Video Strategy Workshop presented by Cristian. It presents an insightful approach to strategically implementing video in your organisation. Discover a unique framework to take advantage of video during the Covid-19 crisis.

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